The period of gaining the confidence of the querent beautiful deeds.Marriage proposal declaration of love, sympathy.In this case, the card can denote both a specific person and some positive circumstances. The nectar of life is poured into a golden goblet, giving happiness and love. It is like taking a sip of fresh spring water in the Gobi Desert, scorched by the rays of the sun. The Knight of Water brings surprises, envelops with his presence and allows you to relax.

Fate becomes favorable, despite past difficulties. Everywhere the Arcana promises something pleasant and good for the querent. Working negotiations become informal, and relationships are even better, blooming like roses in a fragrant garden. This card gives a touch of lightness to any area of interest. The Knight has absorbed all the best qualities and therefore is one of the desired arcana in any spread. The dream of all girls and women, a hero-lover, hurrying to meet his beloved. In some decks, the card is called the Prince of Chalices – the name speaks for itself. The hero is not in vain depicted on a white horse. These are beautiful gestures, the aesthetics of everyday life. In the upright position, the Arcana denotes elegance, tact and charm. This is no longer a carefree Page, but a completely mature man who is ready to express his feelings. The Knight of Cups symbolizes romance and pleasure in life.

The action takes place against a clear sky. Blue feathers are attached to the helmet and shoes. The young man is dressed in metal armor, over which is worn a cape embroidered in the form of red fish. The Knight of Cups card in the Rider-Waite Tarot depicts a horseman with a cup in his hand. Rick's internal monologue coalesces with the voices of the women who cross his path, women who represent different principles in life: while one lives in the real world, the other embodies beauty and sensuality.Symbolism and Key Ideas of the Knight of Cups His symphonic flow of images contrasts cold, functional architecture with the ageless beauty of nature. And once again Malick seems to put the world out of joint. Once again a voiceover is laid over images which also seek their own authenticity. In Terrence Malick's seventh film a gliding camera once again accompanies a tormented hero on his search for meaning. But the Knight of Cups is also an artist, a romantic and an adventurer. Like the tarot card of the title, Rick is easily bored and needs outside stimulation. He is at home in a world of illusions but seeks real life.

He is addicted to success but simultaneously despairs at the emptiness of his life.